zondag, april 02, 2006

The grays

Only now that spring has planted its greedy little paws onto winter's back, ready to pull a fast one, now that sunlight prevails over nighttime depression, now I see myself walking in a song.

Past black buildings of despair, cornered in vast open spaces, highlander skies.

I walk here, to see beyond the misery that is mankind, to find that spot where my piano awaits, where only I can sit in the darkness and relieve you of your unspoken pain.

Where is it that I will find what haunts you to haunt me.

The silence is deafening in my head, while your harmonies surround me.

I am a leaf, and the raindrops running off me, tickling me, lovelingly rearranging the feelings on the surface, while I twirl in that twisted rage of wind.

You, and my song, readily redefine the world that I am in, and those around me, so that I can walk around happy, ever more.